Our first Vintage Art & Wine class at Dancin Vineyards was a a complete success.
Paper Crafted Hibiscus Class:
Our first class EVER, hosted by Dancin Vineyards in Jacksonville, Oregon was a complete success. We had so much fun creating our Vintage Hibiscus Flowers. An intimate group gathered under the large oak tree at Dancin Vineyards to create paper crafted flowers. Life-long friendships were renewed and new friendships were sparked. Here are a few photos from our first class.
Crafting Together.
Happy Hibiscus Crafters at Dancin Vineyards, Jacksonville Oregon.
She matches her flower—lovely dress, lovely flower.
Petals and Stamen: This took about a half hour to create.
Dancin Vineyards: Our host for our first class. Thank you DANCIN.
Can you imagine a better place to share memories and create paper crafted flowers together? Dancin Vineyards, Jacksonville, Oregon, under the oak tree.
Working on flowers.
We love Dancin Vineyards!
So beautiful a bride would love to carry them.