Vintage art & Wine breaks DOWN the process into simple steps you will enjoy.
We offer many colors to choose from—both bright and muted colors.
Adding structure to the the abstract painting with masking tape—later we will remove the tape to reveal negative space.
Adding the background colors.
Adding accent colors.
Removing tape to reveal negative space.
Layering paint and adding spattering— another simple technique we will teach you.
Adding drop-shadows.
Adding texture by scraping away paint.
A whole class full of wonderfully individual abstract watercolor paintings.
Whether you prefer simple style, complex design, wild and colorful or subtle and muted, we will help you step by step to create your very own unique piece of art to save for yourself or give as a gift. Join us soon for a relaxed class at a winery near you!
Vintage art & Wine offers many classes across the valley. Read more about other classes Here.